Test in Progress

We’ve all taken tests of some form or another in our lifetime. Some voluntarily and some involuntarily. We either subject our self to testing as is the case of academic study, or we are the subject of testing as in medical analysis.

For the moment, think back in time with me to your days of academic study. What kind of test taker were you? Were you one to study weeks and days in advance, preparing for any and all possible questions. A stack of index cards at the ready waiting for an opportunity to run through the deck just once more before the test. Or were you the type of test taker who crammed an hour before the test, hitting the highlights in your study guide and relying upon your memory for the rest.

My wife Tina and I have two children; one of each. A boy and a girl, yes, but I’m referring to something other than their gender. We have one child who studied hard for every test and was always well prepared, and one that rarely studied and often forgot about tests until walking into class. Both were very good students, but their methods could not have been more unalike.

In our study this week, Jesus was given a test by an expert in the Law, a Lawyer in the truest sense of the word. He asked Jesus a combination of serious and trick questions, hoping to trip Him up and expose Him as a fraud to the public. But Jesus was well prepared for the test. So well prepared that He inverted the process and began to test the Lawyer himself. 

How did that happen? How well did the Lawyer do on the test? Why does it matter? What are the implications for us today? All great test questions of their own. Come join us tomorrow for the small group study and learn the answers. I promise, no Scantron Score sheets will be needed…

If you’re unable to join us in person for this study, please feel free to download the Bible study materials for your personal use by following one of these links: PowerPoint Slides, PDF File.  For more information on this Bible study series please see Doubtless Living: The Gospel of Luke.

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