TRANSFORMED! Knowing & Doing God’s Will

In the apex of his letter to the church in Rome, Paul wrote: “Do not be conformed to this age, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mids, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” Thus, our in-depth inductive Bible study of Romans concentrates on knowing and doing the will of God, the outcome of renewed minds.

How do we renew our minds, as Paul encouraged? Join us for this study and learn how to set your mind on things above, overcome sin, and live a victorious Christian life. Learn how to live the Christian life with confidence, and without doubts, as Children of God, and co-heirs with Christ. In Christ, we are more than conquerors, we are inseparable conquerors filled with the resurrection power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, a deposit guaranteeing our future redemption and glorification.

In that state, we will learn how to offer our bodies to God as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing in His sight, which is our true and proper act of worship. Romans is deep, rich, and very personal. It will bless you, challenge you, edify you, equip you, energize you, and propel you on an exciting journey of discovering God’s will for your life.

Week 01: Living by Faith (Romans 1:1-17)
Week 02: Without Excuse (Romans 1:18-32)
Week 03: God’s Righteous Judgement (Romans 2:1-16)
Week 04: Justification by Faith
Week 05: Circumcision of the Heart (Romans 2:17-3:8)
Week 06: Not Even One (Romans 3:1-31)
Week 07: Authentic Faith (Romans 4:1-25)
Week 08: Peace with God (Romans 5:1-21)
Week 09: New Life in Christ (Romans 6:1-25)
Week 10: Struggling with Sin (Romans 7:1-25)
Week 11: New Mindset (8:1-17)
Week 12: First Fruits (Romans 8:18-25)
Week 13: Divine Intercessors (8:26-27)
Week 14: Security of the Believer (8:28-20)
Week 15: Inseparable Conquerors (8:31-39)
Week 16: True Descendants (9:1-13)
Week 17: Condition Precedent (10:1-21)
Week 18: Pride & Arrogance (11:1-35)
Week 19: Living Sacrifices (12:1-8)
Week 20: Conquering Evil – Part 1 (12:9-21)
Week 21: Conquering Evil – Part 2 (12:9-21)
Week 22: Submitting to Authority (13:1-14)
Week 23: Transformed Living – Without Judgment (14:1-12)
Week 24: Transformed Living – Without Hindering (14:13-23)
Week 25: Transformed Living – With Enduring Hope (15:1-13)
Week 26: Glory to God (15:13-16:27)