Without God choosing to reveal Himself to us, we would be like Helen Keller – deaf and blind to the reality of the world we live in. Without God’s revelation, we would be unaware of His expectations for us and of His provision for salvation. In this series, we will examine the ways God reveals Himself. In session 11, we tackle the subject of submission to God’s authority.
For thousands of years, God’s people have been asking the question “By what authority?” By what authority should the Holy Scriptures be judged? By whose authority should theology, the gospel, ministry, and missions be judged? Mosses faced these questions. Peter and John faced these questions. Even Jesus Himself had to answer this question. Every one of God’s people must address the question, “By what authority?” How will you respond?
Our goal in this study is to explore the authority of God’s Word in the life of the believer. We shall see that ultimate authority does not come from man-made institutions. It does not come from power, wealth, social status, or reputation. Instead, all authority under heaven and earth belongs to God, and you and I submit to the God who speaks by reading and obeying the Word He has spoken.
In this session, Submitting to the God Who speaks, we learn that God’s Word influences the thoughts, opinions, and behaviors of His people by telling us the truth, cutting to the heart of our sinful condition, and bringing us to repentenance.
You can learn more about this series “The God Who Speaks” by clicking here. The teaching materials on this site for this series have been developed by referencing content published by LifeWay Christian Resources in the , “The God Who Speaks,” The Gospel Project Leader Guide, Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2012.