Easter Perspective: Seeing, Recognizing, and Realizing Its True Significance

Easter Perspective: Seeing, Recognizing, and Realizing

The celebration of Easter has, for many people, become much more of a secular celebration of candy, bunnies, and fancy dresses than a holy observance and remembrance of what Jesus has done for us. The way we view Easter is truly a matter of perspective—are we seeing it as one thing or are we recognizing the true significance of the day and realizing its benefits.

To illustrate this point, think back to the first time you saw a QR code. Even though they seem to be everywhere now, the first time you saw one you might have been intrigued, confused, threatened, or left out because you didn’t have a smartphone. Now, you are used to seeing them, especially in restaurants since the pandemic started. And while you “see” a random pattern of black lines on a white background, and you “recognize” that it points to something important, unless you act upon it you will not “realize” the benefit of it.

The same is true with the celebration of Easter.  Recognizing the true significance of Easter is more than just seeing the symbols of Easter—the cross, the empty tomb, or for that matter even encountering the resurrected Jesus as Mary Magdalene did early on that first Easter Sunday morning. The true significance of Easter is not about the symbols but rather the event to which they point. Yes, Easter is about recognizing that Jesus was crucified, died for our sins, and was buried in a sealed tomb and that He arose from the dead on the third day, victorious over sin, death, and the grave.  But even more so, it is about realizing that Jesus did it all for you, that you might be reconciled to God through Him!

Maybe you know the story, but have you acted on it?  Have you realized the benefit of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross?  Have you accepted the risen King of Kings as your personal Lord and Savior?  If not, let this be the day that you invite Jesus into your heart.  You can learn how to do that by following this link: How to Experience Saving Faith.

If you followed the link above and for the first time prayed the prayer and asked Jesus to save you, then please take a moment to share your decision with us.  We want to celebrate your decision with you and pray for you, as you start your new journey in life as a child of God.

Accepting Christ is just the beginning of a wonderful adventure with God! Get to know Him better and experience Him to the fullest by:

  • Following Christ’s example in believer’s baptism.
  • Joining a church where you can worship God and grow in your faith.
  • Get involved in a small group Bible study to better understand God’s Word.
  • Begin a daily personal worship experience with God where you study the Bible and pray.

For those who have committed their lives to Christ, Easter is a joyous occasion, for it celebrates the most holy of all days, Resurrection Sunday.  Hallelujah, praise the Lord, Jesus Christ is risen!

And because of His resurrection, we can recognize our own sinfulness, understand our need for a Savior, and realize the benefit of forgiveness by entering into a personal relationship with God through His son, Jesus.  It’s more than just seeing the signs of Easter; it’s about recognizing the significance of Easter and realizing the magnitude of the gift God gave us in His Son.  When we have the right perspective on Easter, everything changes.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, now and forever, because…





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