INpowered Discipleship

The book of Acts is an exciting sequel to the Gospel of Luke, and as you may know, Luke addresses both letters to his dear friend Theophilus. The first letter (his Gospel) was written to help his dear friend be certain of the things which he had heard and had been taught about Jesus, the Christ. In essence he wanted to help his friend live confidently and without doubts. Hence, the title of our in-depth and inductive study of the Gospel of Luke is Doubtless Living and you can find all 86 sessions of that study by clicking on the title hyperlink.

The book of Acts, the focus of this study, is Luke’s sequel to the Gospel and it was also written to Theophilus. But Luke’s objective this time is to help his dear friend understand the might works of the Holy Spirit that occurred after the resurrection of Jesus and His ascension into heaven. So, the book of Acts records the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, which launched the church and propelled the rapid, explosive spread of the Gospel around the world.

Rightfully so then, this in-depth and inclusive study of Acts is focused on the might works of the Holy Spirit as manifested in and through equipped and empower believers who were spirit-filled and used in mighty ways. But the Acts of the apostles and others were not human in origin they were the awesome and mighty work of the Spirit of God, that inhabited and indwelled them.

So, while they were certainly equipped and empower for kingdom work, none of it would have been possible if they were not first IN-powered by the Holy Spirit. Hence the title of our study, INpowered Discipleship!

Jesus told his disciples that they would receive POWER when the Holy Spirit came upon them and indeed they did. But Jesus also told them why they would be INpowered by the Holy Spirit. It was expressly for the purpose of being His witnesses; in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. The Holy Spirit is the fuel that fires the engine of evangelism and His INpowering is absolutely essential for the fulfillment of our mission of making disciples.

Come join us for this exciting study of Acts as we explore the depths of INpowered Discipleship as told by Luke and modeled by Peter, Paul and other spirit-filled believers of the early church.

Come, join us on the quest to be bold and courageous disciples, too!

Video Links: Follow this link to our YouTube Channel to see video from each class session.

Individual Session Links:
Week 1 : INpowered Disciples (Acts 1:1-26)
Week 2 : The Impact of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-47)
Week 3 : Spontaneous Discipleship (Acts 3:1-26)
Week 4 : Courageous Discipleship (Acts 4:1-31)
Week 5 : Authentic Discipleship (Acts 4:32-5:11)
Week 6 : Resilient Discipleship (Acts 5:17-42)
Week 7 : Fearless Discipleship (Acts 6:1-7:60)
Week 8 : Missional Discipleship (Acts 8:1-25)
Week 9 : Opportunistic Discipleship (Acts 8:26-40)
Week 10 : Transformational Discipleship (Acts 9:1-31)
Week 11 : Inclusive Discipleship (Acts 10:1-48)
Week 12 : Empowered Discipleship (Acts 11:19-30)
Week 13 : Relentless Discipleship (Acts 12:1-25)
Week 14 : Purposeful Discipleship (Acts 13:1-14:25)
Week 15 : Confident Discipleship (Acts 15:1-35)
Week 16 : Unified Discipleship (Acts 16:1-40)
Week 17 : Devoted Discipleship (Acts 17:1-34)
Week 18 : Obedient Discipleship (Acts 18:1-23)
Week 19 : Pure Discipleship (Acts 18:24-19:7)
Week 20 : Tenacious Discipleship (Acts 19:8-20)
Week 21 : Persuasive Discipleship (Acts 19:23-41)
Week 22 : Exemplary Discipleship (Acts 20:1-38)
Week 23 : Faithful Discipleship (Acts 21:18-35)
Week 24 : Durable Discipleship (Acts 21:26-22:30)
Week 25 : Vocal Discipleship (Acts 21.40-22.29)
Week 26 : Conscientious Discipleship (Acts 23.1-35)
Week 27 : Hopeful Discipleship (Acts 24.1-27)
Week 28 : Unchained Discipleship (Acts 25-26)
Week 29 : Peaceful Discipleship (Acts 27.1-44)
Week 30 : Unstoppable Discipleship (Acts 28.1-31)