Catalytic Activity Accelerant INtroduced

Okay, I will admit that I had a little too much fun creating that logo. But if you have been following the news this week then you likely get the pun.  It serves as a perfect illustration of the power of momentum and I have my lovely wife to thank for pointing that out to me today as I prepared for our study this week.

If you haven’t been following the news, then you probably missed one of the wildest weeks on Wall Street in a long time. A group of individual, somewhat activist investors started pumping a stock on reddit in a contrarian way to earn a profit but also to cause pain and suffering for large hedge funds that had shorted one of their favorite stocks.

It worked beyond their wildest dreams and the stock took off; up 8,000% at one point in just a matter of days. What stock did they push you ask? Well surprisingly it was Game Stop, the beleaguered gaming retailer who is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy according to many analysts.

But there is hope, if you are an investor in Melvin Capital or other hedge funds who took it on the chin this week when the stock took off.  What goes up is destined to come down, especially when the fundamentals of the company are nowhere near strong enough to sustain the meteoric rise fueled by angst and hyperbolic rhetoric.

Why am I talking about Game Stop, reddit and Robinhood, the investment platform used by many of the retail investors who launched the first salvo?  Because it is a good example of the power of momentum. When a catalytic activity accelerant is introduced into a volatile situation, something explosive is likely to happen, as it did this week in this situation.

But as spectacular as that situation was, it pales by comparison to the impact of a sustained, explosive, spiritual reaction that occurred just 10 days after Jesus ascended into heaven. Join us tomorrow for a look at Pentecost 33 and its massive impact on the church and the world. The reverberations of which are still felt around the globe today some 2,000 years later.

But as wildly successful as that event has been, the story still needs to be heard and retold over and over again every day. Let’s see if we can initiate our own little viral campaign and kick it up a notch in our neck of the woods this year. Bring you own kindlin and let’s see if we can’t lite some fires tomorrow.

If you cannot be with us in person, feel free to download the Bible study materials for your personal use by following one of these links: PowerPoint SlidesPDF File. You can also find the video of this session on our YouTube channel soon after the meeting concludes. And lastly, you could follow this link to download other studies in this series: INpowered Discipleship if you happened to miss one of our prior studies.

Yours in Christ,

Eric Glover
The Gospels Class
Brentwood Baptist Church